Perhaps you just need to use Apache::Filter?  If not, you can
cannibalize some of the code in Apache::Filter, it re-ties STDOUT.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron Johnson) wrote:
>I am trying to get the MHonArc package to work in conjunction with an in
>house module.
>When MHonArc ( is run and told to process a
>single file instead of a directoy full of files, it sends the output to
>STDOUT which inside of mod_perl in this case is the browser.  I am using
>the process_input() function as outlined in the MHonArc mailing list
>I need to save the output to a variable.  It was suggested by Earl Hood
>(author of MHonArc) that I tie a string to a filehandle and then dup the
>filehandle to STDOUT.   This sounds great, but I am unsure where to
>place the code that will allow for this or how this needs to be done
>with mod_perl. (I read perltie and perlopentut, but it didn't light any
>bulbs). I got some results, but none that produced the desired results.
>The closest was getting the output to be directed to the resulting HTML
>page, but not the variable.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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