Aaron Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> I am trying to get the MHonArc package to work in conjunction with an in
> house module.
> When MHonArc (http://www.mhonarc.org) is run and told to process a
> single file instead of a directoy full of files, it sends the output to
> STDOUT which inside of mod_perl in this case is the browser.  I am using
> the process_input() function as outlined in the MHonArc mailing list
> archives.
> I need to save the output to a variable.

Have you looked into IO::Stringy, and its friends (IO::Scalar,
IO::ScalarArray, IO::Lines)?

perldoc IO::Stringy

       IO-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and

       This toolkit primarily provides modules for performing
       both traditional and object-oriented i/o) on things other
       than normal filehandles; in particular, IO::Scalar,
       IO::ScalarArray, and IO::Lines.

An example from perldoc IO::Scalar:

           my $s;
           $SH = IO::Scalar->new(\$s);
           $SH->print("Hel", "lo, ");         # OO style...
           print $SH "world!\n";              # ...or non-OO style!

       Causes $s to be set to:

           "Hello, world!\n"

Good luck.


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