About a month or 2 ago, I had posted a problem where I tried to upgrade from:

Redhat Linux 6.2,
perl 5.6.0
Apache 1.3.12
mod_perl 1.24
mod_ssl 2.6.6


Redhat Linux 6.2
perl 5.6.0
Apache 1.3.14
mod_perl 1.24_01
mod_ssl 2.7.1

And reported that after doing this, my httpds would spin on startup.  When I
turned on MOD_PERL_TRACE=all, it was showing that it was stuck in an infinite
loop processing configuration stuff.  I posted the mod_perl trace for it as

I have finally gotten a chance to revisit this and it turns out that what was
causing problems was that I had in my httpd.conf:

$PerlRequire = '/some/path/file.pl';

Changing this to:

    push @PerlRequire, '/some/path/file.pl';

Fixed the problem under 1.24_01 for me and everything appears to be kosher now.

Maybe the behavior of PerlRequire has changed between 1.24 and 1.24_01?  

Anyways, I wanted to post this to the list in hopes that this might help others
who may have stumbled onto this problem.


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