I've written mod_perl handlers for a few different phases, but I've never 
really worried about speed increases for plain content.

I recently migrated from a cgi script in my cgi-bin that handles content
to a Apache::Registry script that does the same thing.  On my
puny 150MHz Pentium, 96MBytes RAM machine, I was getting about 4.5
requests answered per second with a normal cgi script.  After moving
it to Apache::Registry and moving into the /perl/ directory, I can 
easily get 13-18 requests answered per second.  

That isn't too bad.  Once I get this translated into a complete
mod_perl handler, I will probably see an enormous increase.

Thanks for listening.

J. J. Horner

"The people who vote decide nothing.
The people who count the vote decide everything."
        - Josef Stalin

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the 
blood of tyrants and patriots alike. ... Resistance to tyrants
is obedience to God."
        - Thomas Jefferson

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