Hi all,
        I have installed on my machine the following modules:
apache 1.3.12-2
mod_perl 1.21-10
DBI 1.13-1
DBD::Oracle 1.03
Apache::DBI 0.86-1

    The problem is that when I run a perl script under mod_perl, the
response time is almost the same than the response time of the same
script being ran without the mod_perl module. And I know that mod_perl
was correctly installed. Another problem is that I can not open database
connections when the WWW server starts because happen an error in the
child processes of the apache. I think can there is some problem in the
installation or configuration of the modules.
Did the order for installing of the modules do any difference?
If someone help me will be very appreciated. Thanks...

            Edmar Edilton da Silva
    Bacharel em Ciência da Computacão - UFV
  Mestrando em Ciência da Computacão - UNICAMP

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