It's not enough to just install the modules. 

Did you configure the httpd.conf with mod_perl
as explained in the documentation?

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 03:40:45PM -0200, Edmar Edilton da Silva wrote:
>     Hi all,
>         I have installed on my machine the following modules:
> apache 1.3.12-2
> mod_perl 1.21-10
> DBI 1.13-1
> DBD::Oracle 1.03
> Apache::DBI 0.86-1
>     The problem is that when I run a perl script under mod_perl, the
> response time is almost the same than the response time of the same
> script being ran without the mod_perl module. And I know that mod_perl
> was correctly installed. Another problem is that I can not open database
> connections when the WWW server starts because happen an error in the
> child processes of the apache. I think can there is some problem in the
> installation or configuration of the modules.
> Did the order for installing of the modules do any difference?
> If someone help me will be very appreciated. Thanks...
> --
> ________________________________________________
>             Edmar Edilton da Silva
>     Bacharel em Ciência da Computacão - UFV
>   Mestrando em Ciência da Computacão - UNICAMP
> ________________________________________________

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