> I have written a awsome mod_perl module for Apache and 
> now my companie wants to transform it to Java (ik). 
> Nothing personal against java but 95% of the program is 
> regular expressions. Perl is king in this area. In 
> java they are using Oroinc 3rd party classes for the 
> regexs. With some prliminary bench mark test of non 
> mod_perl perl and Java, perl won being 12-20 times 
> faster. But now they want to do super tuning and also 
> compare Resource consumption between JRun/Java Servlets 
> and Apache/mod_perl. My main concern is the fact that 
> apache/mod_perl child proccess can be as big as 12 MB. 
> Specifically my question is....
> 2. Is there a way to lower this memory consumtion?

I haven't had time to look into this, but Gunther mentioned a new module
CGI::SpeedyCGI .... this enables persistent perl processes, outside of
Apache. Could you reduce the number of Apache Children and replace them
with SpeedyCGI backends? 

This should save memory and give you more waiting processes to answer

I haven't tested this .... but would be interested to know if anyone has
done this comparison?

I suppose it depends on whether or not you are using Apache:: modules that
need to be tied into the server --- if not, then maybe SpeedyCGI will save
you some memory?


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