My two cents--

I really like the look of the take23 site as well, and I would be happy as a
clam if we could get I'd even be willing to chip in some
(money/time/effort) to see whether we could get

More than that, though, I think that I would really like to see take23 in
large measure replace the current I remember the first time
I looked at, it was not at all clear to me that I could
build a fast database-backed web application using mod_perl. In contrast,
when you click on PHP from, you are taken directly to a site
that gives you the sense that there is a strong, vibrant community around
php. (BTW, I also like the look and feel of take23 significantly more than

Anyways, those are my own biases. The final bias is that the advocacy site
should be hosted someplace _fast_; one of the reasons I initially avoided
PHP was that their _site_ was dog slow, and I associated that with PHP being
dog slow. Anyways, take23 is very fast for now.


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