On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Robin Berjon wrote:

> At 13:21 14/12/2000 +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> >At 01:55 AM 12/14/2000 +0100, Stas Bekman wrote:
> >>You can use my hackish Pod::HtmlPsPdf, which tries hard to help generate
> >>slides. The only caveat it has now, is that the html2ps tool that it uses
> >>generates not 100% complete PS, so when I run ps2pdf everything is cool,
> >>but acroread has no option to rotate slides by 90% , so I have to use
> >>ghostview instead during my classes.
> >
> >Well, the thing is that a real slide format like PPT is a bit more
> >professional looking than PS/PDF as a format for slides. I'm not saying
> >your slides aren't professional looking, but PS/PDF generated slides seem a
> >bit plain.
> Has anyone tried playing with SVG slides ? They could look great and given
> templates could be fairly easy to generate.

I'm going to be experimenting with SVG slides for all my 2001 confs. All
served by AxKit, of course :-)

I'll keep you informed how it goes.


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