At 01:45 PM 12/10/00 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
>[much stuff snipped]
> >
> > >Things I would never even try with java:
> > >
> > >1) Talking any client/server protocol other than URLs.  The perl
> > >mail/ftp modules are so easy to use and they work great.  I don't even
> > >want to think about writing to syslogd from inside java... :)
> >
> > There have been public domain libraries to write to syslogd in Java for a
> > long time.  The only problem with Java in this regard is that there is no
> > CPAN. But if you search on the net, you can usually find something in Java
> > that has the equivalent to a CPAN module that deals with networking as 
> Java
> > makes networking quite easy.
>Sun was not onto community thing anyways, they're corporation, and giving
>up a control something they spend money on, will give chills to the
>managing types that are not for the OS thing.
>No CPAN is an oversight for the Java people, but really how can they
>implement it? Java runs across many platforms and VMs for it are written
>by many companies. If one dares to do something like that.
>For one they have to figure out how not to breach security of systems
>where people will be installing custom java classes. Java like windows2000
>was touted for the security and CPAN like thing will bring some bugs and
>holes into the frame work I am almost sure.
Well, with Java, because the modules are not compiled, you don't really 
need CPAN in the sense of a perl style.  I was really referring 
to a central repository of code period.

There are Java "directories" but nothing like CPAN. I am disappointed at 
things like gamelan because whenever I want to find something (Ill pick on 
Gamelan specifically here)

(A) Gamelan is slow
(B) It's really hard to search on package categories
(C) The code points to someone else's website... so it's at the whim of the 
author still being around. Worse, 75% of the links seem to lead to 
commercial or shareware sites that gladly take your money if you want to 
use the class library.

I don't think that a CPAN for Java is a security issue any more so than 
CPAN. It just would be nice to at least have a searchable directory of open 
source Java libraries.

As for SUN not wanting a CPAN, I dont think thats true. They would love to 
see people writing more open source on top of Java. That doesn't mean that 
Java itself would be distributed there, but certainly non JDK originated 
stuff could go into a central directory.


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