I am looking for some feedback, and possibly an idea for a name for this

In my experience, one of the problems with template modules like
HTML::Template, TemplateToolkit, HTML::Mason, and the others, is that
they are *toolkits* -- there is no fast way to go from Perl module to
output. These modules require extensive setup, and usually are used as
pieces in the larger context of an application. This is great for many
things, but for sites that want to use one of these modules as their
primary document processor have to write something to do the actual
processing of the templates. 

I've been working on an Apache module for a while which utilizes
Template Toolkit, and provides a more or less generic interface to the
power of TT. Configuration is done through configuration directives,
which are the options that get passed to the Template object.

Pages that get processed by the module are handed hashrefs containing
form parameters, the environment, cookes, and pnotes, which can be
accessed directly in the page (e.g.: Hello, [% env.REMOTE_ADDR %].).
I have a variety of plugins and filters planned, as well.

How is this different from using Template Toolkit directly? It's not,
except that using the module is as simple as:

<FilesMatch "*.html$">
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Grover

The module's working name is Grover, but it would probably end up living
somewhere in the Apache:: namespace, if I were to put it on CPAN. I am
open to suggestions for a new name.

There is a web site set up for it at
http://sevenroot.org/software/grover/, from which the source can be


Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings
infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can
grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it
possible for each to see each other whole against the sky.
                -- Rainer Rilke

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