On Dec 22,  1:15pm, darren chamberlain wrote:
> How is this different from using Template Toolkit directly? It's not,
> except that using the module is as simple as:
> <FilesMatch "*.html$">
>   SetHandler  perl-script
>   PerlHandler Grover
> </FilesMatch>
> The module's working name is Grover, but it would probably end up living
> somewhere in the Apache:: namespace, if I were to put it on CPAN. I am
> open to suggestions for a new name.

There's an Apache::Template module on the way which should provide a
nice, clean Apache interface to the Template Toolkit.  Usage should be
as simple as the example you show above, but also allow TT configuration
directives to be added to the httpd.conf.  e.g.

   <FilesMatch "*.tt2$">
       TTIncludePath  /usr/local/tt2/templates
       SetHandler     perl-script
       PerlHandler    Apache::Template

Progress on the module got derailed by problems with configuration merging
but I'm planning to pick it up again soon and finish it off.  If you've got
code/ideas/effort that you'd like to contribute then I'd be more than happy
to work together and pool resources.

Otherwise, you're welcome to slot the module somewhere into the
Template::* namespace if you like.  Template::Grover or something similar?


Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   For a good time: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/

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