
FS>I am currently building an intranet site which uses a Postgresql database 
FS>backend. Unfortunately the database server is opening more files for every 
FS>SQL request from the web site. This quickly leads to a crash after the 
FS>kernels file table has filled up.

I've run mod_perl with a PostgreSQL database before under moderate traffic
and did not encounter the problem you describe. The file descriptor limit
mentioned earlier is a general issue with running Apache, and should not
be related to mod_perl or PostgreSQL per se. Adding "ulimit -n x" to the
apachectl script (where x is some large number, I use 4096) makes this
easy and unforgettable.

Does the file descriptor problem occur when you run as a regular CGI?

FS>As of today I have no idea about the cause of the problem. Initially I 
FS>blamed Apache::DBI and therefore I disabled it, adding $dbh->disconnect 
FS>statements to my code. However this has not solved the problem.

You should add $dbh->disconnect statements regardless; Apache::DBI will
render those statements harmless, and leaving them in is good practice,
and leaves your script usable out of an Apache::DBI environment.

FS>Apache 1.3
FS>Apache::DBI (disabling this doesn't change anything)

What versions of this stuff, and of PostgreSQL are you using? I assume by
"Apache 1.3" you really mean 1.3.x, where x is something recent...



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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