Does anyone out there have a clean, happy solution to the problem of users
jamming on links & buttons? Analyzing our access logs, it is clear that it's
relatively common for users to click 2,3,4+ times on a link if it doesn't
come up right away. This not good for the system for obvious reasons.

I can think of a few ways around this, but I was wondering if anyone else
had come up with anything. Here are the avenues I'm exploring:
1. Implementing JavaScript disabling on the client side so that links become
'click-once' links.
2. Implement an MD5 hash of the request and store it on the server (e.g. in
a MySQL server). When a new request comes in, check the MySQL server to see
whether it matches an existing request and disallow as necessary. There
might be some sort of timeout mechanism here, e.g. don't allow identical
requests within the span of the last 20 seconds.

Has anyone else thought about this?


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