----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Justin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Geoffrey Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: the edge of chaos

> Practical experiments (ok - the live site :) convinced me that 
> the well recommended modperl setup of fe/be suffer from failure
> and much wasted page production when load rises just a little
> above *maximum sustainable throughput* ..

It doesn't take much math to realize that if you continue to try to
accept connections faster than you can service them, the machine
is going to die, and as soon as you load the machine to the point
that you are swapping/paging memory to disk the time to service
a request will skyrocket.   Tune down MaxClients on both the
front and back end httpd's to what the machine can actually
handle and bump up the listen queue if you want to try to let
the requests connect and wait for a process to handle them.  If
you aren't happy with the speed the machine can realistically
produce, get another one (or more) and let the front end proxy
to the other(s) running the backends.

     Les Mikesell

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