On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, G.W. Haywood wrote:

> Hi Allysson,
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Allysson Flavio wrote:
> > Is there a way to put in our client's server only compiled scripts
> > or like???  Or can we change Perl source code to decript our files??
> I think you'd better read a book about C.
> Hi everybody else,
> Just asking, but am I the only one that gets a really bad feeling when
> people want to use Open Source Software to do things like this?  It
> seems kinda counter to the spirit of it all somehow.
> 73,
> Ged.

I'd hope you're the only one, either that or I missed your point.  Do you
get paid for coding in perl?  How is that different then coding in perl
then wanting to sell the software and try to maintain rights and privacy 
on your creation?

I don't think C is a good point to bring up either, isn't gcc open-source
software?  It just so happens that C has built in protections for
source-code theft, and perl doesn't.  I don't think it makes a bit of
difference what tools you use, you should be able to take whatever steps
you think are necessary to protect your work.

as a side note, I've never felt a need to protect my perl source like
aforementioned, but I can think of a few circumstances where "protecting
source" is different the "hording the source".  You may just want to keep
the code covered to make it a little harder for someone (with a lot more
time then you) to figure out how to break it, you may want to hide a
hard-coded password, or just keep things black to stop folks from
wandering through because you wrote the application in 5 minutes between
phone calls and meetings and you're emberrassed you put out such awful
code, but it works, so run it.


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