Following the beginners directions in Stein and MacEachern(S&M),

I have built mod_perl 1.24_01for apache 1.3.14 on AIX.
I checked the perl.conf is being read.

My perl.conf contains: (according to page 31 of S&M)
(Note: I have changed less-than to [ so that html-style mail and newreaders will
show the symbol.)
[Location /hello/world>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::Hello

and I have in /usr/local/apache/lib/perl/Apache

all according to S&M instruction.

NEVERTHELESS, I get 404 when I enter
and it is looking in the htdocs directory according to the error_log.

httpd -l
shows we are running with mod_perl.c, and putting a
syntax error in confirms that we are reading that file.

All the directory are rwx and the files are all readable.

What am I doing wrong?

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