Ah - am I ever a dummy.
My <Location > spec used  /home/world
not /hello/world
as I thought... so Apache worked as expected when my URI was

It was a quick edit back to

<Location /hello/world>

to fix the problem.
Thanks to many helpers.


That works!
I see -- I don't know how many times I read home as hello.... Thanks!

"G.W. Haywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> le 01/10/2001 10:54:08 AM

Pour :    Robert ABARBANEL/exterieur@FRANCE
cc :
Objet :   Re: location not working

Hi there,

> > I get 404 when I enter
> >      http://myserver//hello/world
> > and it is looking in the htdocs directory according to the error_log.
> What happens if you try
> http://myserver/hello/world

What happens if you try




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