"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
> Hi again,
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> > Security (First),
> > Performance (Second).
> These are large subjects in their own right and will not properly be
> covered by the mod_perl nor the Apache documentation for good reasons.
> Your Apache server does not live in isolation but with a whole bunch
> of other software on which it may depend for services, or about which
> it may know nothing at all.  All of the other software on the machine
> can have an impact on security and performance.
> Of course that isn't to say that there are no security and performance
> issues which are specific to Apache and mod_perl.  There are, and they
> are given a roasting regularly on the List.
> You need to spend a lot of time reading the List, its archives, the
> Guide, the Eagle Book, and anything else you can get your hands on.
> There are books about Apache itself, "Professional Apache" by Peter
> Wainwright is one I liked.  Only by studying in depth will you have
> any hope of securing your high-performance server.
> 73,
> Ged.

Thanks all for help!

Since this is my first attempt to get mod_perl running with a single
program o' mine, i would appreciate your patience if i asked for some
stupid thing here.

I trying the following program:

use strict;
# print the environment in a mod_perl program under Apache::Registry

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "<HEAD><TITLE>Apache::Registry Environment</TITLE></HEAD>\n";

print "<BODY><PRE>\n";
print map { "$_ = $ENV{$_}\n" } sort keys %ENV;
print "</PRE></BODY>\n";

I get printed and not execute in the browser.

My apache error log is:
[Wed Jan 17 10:04:16 2001] [error] Can't locate object method "inh_tree"
via package "Devel::Symdump" at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd/Apache/Status.pm line

May some explain what i lacked here?

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