i think tuning like this is available already.
probably something like:

MinSpareServers 100
MaxSpareServers 110
StartServers 100
MaxClients 110

i haven't checked the source code to see if these values
might drive apache a little crazy (such a small range to work
in) , but it seems like the above would keep apache between 100-110
servers at all times.

you'd have to make sure Apache::GtopLimit wasn't killing
processes off too early or their would be lots of killing and
respawning of processes.

___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.genwax.com/

Jayme Frye wrote:

> This may not be quite on topic. I wonder in the case of a dedicated
> Apache/Mod_Perl server if it wouldn't be best to spawn up to a maximum
> number of child procs that the server can handle at startup. Maximum
> child procs calculated based on the amount of core memory minus amount
> of real memory used by each proc (Stas Bekman mod_perl guide Performance
> Tuning Section) with a cushion of free core memory to allow for some
> process growth and handle misc. house keeping duties of the server. Then
> use the Apache::GtopLimit module to prune child procs based on memory
> size. If a child proc grows too large because of memory leaks for
> example it is killed and a fresh proc spawned in its place. In this way
> you always have as many procs available as your server can handle for
> periods of high load. No wasted time spawning up to meet the load.
> Jayme Frye
> System Administrator
> Inventive Comm.

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