
On my machine, I am running two instances of Apache. They both use the
same executable, but different config files; one has "AddModule
mod_perl.c" and the other one doesn't.

I used to only run one instance of Apache with the same executable as I
have now that was mod_perl enabled. Back then, it was stable.

My problem is that the mod_perl httpd is sometimes crashing overnight. In
the last three days, it has mysteriously crashed twice. When I restart it
with "apachectl_modperl start" (apachectl_modperl is just apachectl but
with the config file path set differently), it comes up with no problem,
but I suppose it might crash again in the future.

Examination of the error_log after I restart it only shows:

[Fri Jan 19 04:44:27 2001] [error] [asp] [4941] [WARN] redefinition of
subroutine Apache::ASP::Compiles::_tmp_global_asa::display_footer at
originally defined at
[Fri Jan 19 08:35:08 2001] [warn] pid file
/usr/local/apache/logs/httpd_modperl.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown
of previous Apache run?

which doesn't give me any idea why it crashed. I also tried doing a `find
/ -name "core"` but did not find any core files in a directory that seems
to be related to Apache.

Running "uptime" shows that the server has been up all along, and the
non-mod_perl enabled Apache is running fine.

Does anyone know how I can go about tracking the cause of the crash?



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