Christian, Geoff, et al,

I was not aware of the Apache::ModuleConfig setup, thanks for the

According to chapter 8, p388, the setup requires configuring the
Makefile.PL so it will create an .xs file and compile it as part of the
make process. The module must be loaded into Apache via a PerlModule
statement, but it does not require a rebuild of Apache or mod_perl. Is
that about right?

In my case, I would gain the ability to list the directives explicitly
inside the Dierctory container (which I like). I would lose the ability
to change the config file without a restart of the server.
(Inconvenient, but not a show-stopper)

Thanks again for the info.


> I've toyed with ModuleConfig, and it is really cool, but I was under the
> impression that people stayed away from using it since it appears to
> require a recompile of mod_perl for every module that inserts a new
> directive into the list. That's why I assumed the use of PerlSetVar was
> much more popular than ModuleConfig.
> Regards,
> Christian
> On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > you may want to look into Apache::ModuleConfig to see how you can create
> > directives without the need for a separate config file.
> > 
> > for instance:
> > SymLinkRule Deny .*
> > 
> > it's pretty easy and probably a bit cleaner in this case (since I suspect
> > that you moved to a config file since PerlSetVar just didn't fit the bill
> > for the syntax you wanted). just see chapter 8 of the Eagle book

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Web Systems Programmer | overlooked: intelligence and education that hasn't
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        | been tempered by human affection isn't worth a damn. -
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