In local.modperl you write:

>What is the "official" home of 5.6.1rev2? I can't seem to locate it on
>CPAN anywhere. The p5p summary on seems to be under
>the impression that 5.6.1 isn't going to be out for a while. I remember
>seeing a pointer to one of the very early patches, but I can't seem to
>find it again. Thanks in advance--

Probably because you looked for 5.6.1rev2. The name is perl-5.6.1-TRIAL2.

Look for it at $CPAN/authors/id/G/GS/GSAR/perl-5.6.1-TRIAL2.tar.gz .
Sarathy is on it, and I expect the final 5.6.1 Real Soon Now. The
TRIAL2 had a couple of problems, and there will probably a TRIAL3.
(My personal guess.)
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | |
| "Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."             |
| Hogfather                                                              |
| Terry Pratchett                                                        |

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