For what it is worth, I once again fixed my own problem by hacking
http_core.c on the backend:

[root@nobel src]# diff -U 6 ../build/apache_1.3.14/src/main/http_core.c
--- ../build/apache_1.3.14/src/main/http_core.c Tue Oct 10 19:33:09 2000
+++ http_core_hack-1.3.14.c     Mon Feb 12 17:02:53 2001
@@ -758,16 +758,17 @@
 API_EXPORT(char *) ap_construct_url(pool *p, const char *uri,
                                    request_rec *r)
     unsigned port = ap_get_server_port(r);
     const char *host = ap_get_server_name(r);

-    if (ap_is_default_port(port, r)) {
+//     XXX HACK: get rid of the port number on redirects
+//  if (ap_is_default_port(port, r)) {
        return ap_pstrcat(p, ap_http_method(r), "://", host, uri, NULL);
-    }
-    return ap_psprintf(p, "%s://%s:%u%s", ap_http_method(r), host, port,
+//    }
+//  return ap_psprintf(p, "%s://%s:%u%s", ap_http_method(r), host, port,

Dunno if this will break other things, it doesn't seem to in my setup, and
for the moment I'm happy.


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