Well, I've finally have cracked this tedious task down. I've pretty much
done with the modules chapter for the book (of course I didn't document
all of them, it'll require a separate book if I did. but quite many are

So please take a look at this list and tell me whether I've missed
something and you want it to be on the list. Note that I've re-grouped
the modules differently from the original Apache::* list. Thanks.

Development Stage Modules
      Apache::PerlVINC - Allows Module Versioning in Location blocks and
Virtual Hosts
      Apache::DProf - Hook Devel::DProf into mod_perl
      Apache::SmallProf - Hook Devel::SmallProf into mod_perl
      Apache::FakeRequest - fake request object for debugging
      Apache::test - Facilitates testing of Apache::* modules

Debug Stage Modules
      Apache::DB - Hooks for the interactive Perl debugger
      Apache::Debug - Utilities for debugging embedded perl code
      Apache::DebugInfo - Send Debug Info to Client
      Apache::Leak - Module for tracking memory leaks in mod_perl code
      Apache::Peek - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
      Apache::Symbol - avoid a mandatory 'subroutine redefined' warning
      Apache::Symdump - Symbol table snapshots

Monitoring and Controlling Modules
      Apache::Watchdog::RunAway - Hanging Processes Monitor and Terminator
      Apache::SizeLimit - Limit Apache httpd Processes
      Apache::GTopLimit - Limit Apache httpd Processes
      Apache::TimedRedirect - Redirect URLs for a given time period
      Apache::Resource - Limit resources used by httpd children
      Apache::Status - Embedded interpreter status information

Server Configuration
      Apache::ModuleConfig - Interface to configuration API
      Apache::PerlSections - Utilities for work with <Perl> sections
      Apache::httpd_conf - Generate an httpd.conf file
      Apache::src - Methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source

Authentication Phase Modules
     AuthenCache     Cache authentication credentials
     AuthCookie      Authentication and Authorization via cookies
     AuthenDBI       Authenticate via Perl's DBI
     AuthenIMAP      Authentication via an IMAP server
     AuthenPasswdSrv External authentication server
     AuthenPasswd    Authenticate against /etc/passwd
     AuthLDAP        LDAP authentication module
     AuthPerLDAP     LDAP authentication module (PerLDAP)
     AuthenNIS       NIS authentication
     AuthNISPlus     NIS Plus authentication/authorization
     AuthenSmb       Authenticate against NT server
     AuthenURL       Authenticate via another URL
     DBILogin        Authenticate to backend database
     PHLogin         Authenticate via a PH database

Authorization Phase Modules
     AuthCookie      Authen + Authz via cookies
     AuthzDBI        Group authorization via Perl's DBI
     AuthzNIS        NIS authorization
     AuthzPasswd     Authorize against /etc/passwd

Access Phase Modules
     AccessLimitNum  Limit user access by number of requests
     IPThrottle      Limit bandwith consumption by IP
     RobotLimit      Limit access of robots

      Apache::AddHostPath - Adds some or all of the hostname and port to
the URI
      Apache::ProxyPass - implement ProxyPass in perl
      Apache::ProxyPassThru - Skeleton for vanilla proxy
      Apache::Throttle - a speed based content negotiation
      Apache::TransLDAP - Trans Handler Example

Fixup Handlers
      Apache::RefererBlock - block request based upon "Referer" header
      Apache::Usertrack - Emulate the mod_usertrack Apache module

Generic Content Generating Phase Modules
      Apache::Registry and Apache::PerlRun
      Apache::RegistryNG - Apache::Registry New Generation
      Apache::RegistryBB - Apache::Registry Bare Bones
      Apache::Session - Maintain Session State Across HTTP Requests
      Apache::Request (libapreq) - Generic Apache Request Library
      Apache::Dispatch - call PerlHandlers with the ease of Registry

Application Specific Content Generating Phase Modules
      Apache::AutoIndex - Perl replacement for mod_autoindex and mod_dir
Apache modules
      Apache::WAP::AutoIndex - WAP demostration module
      Apache::WAP::MailPeek - Demonstrate the Use of Delivery of WML
      Apache::Archive - Expose archive files through the Apache web
      Apache::Gateway - Implement gateway
      Apache::NNTPGateway - a NNTP interface for mod_perl enabled Apache
web server.
      Apache::PrettyPerl - Syntax highlighting for Perl files
      Apache::PrettyText - Re-format .txt files for client display
      Apache::RandomLocation - Random files display
      Apache::Stage - Manage A Staging Directory
      Apache::Roaming - A mod_perl handler for Roaming Profiles
      Apache::Backhand - write mod_backhand functions in Perl

DataBase Modules
      Apache::DBI - Initiate a Persistent Database Connection
      Apache::OWA - Oracle's PL/SQL Web Toolkit for Apache
      Apache::Sybase::CTlib - Persistent CTlib connection mgmt for Apache

Toolkits and Framework for Content Generation and Other Phases
      Apache::ASP - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl
      HTML::Embperl - Embed Perl in Your HTML Documents
      Apache::EmbperlChain - process embedded perl in HTML in the

      Apache::ePerl - Embedded Perl 5 Language
      Apache::iNcom - an e-commerce framework.
      Apache::Mason - a Perl-based web site development and delivery
      Apache::PageKit - a web applications framework
      Xmms - Perl interface to the xmms media player

Output Filters and Layering Modules
      Apache::OutputChain - Chain Stacked Perl Handlers
      Apache::Filter - Alter the output of previous handlers
      Apache::GzipChain - compress HTML (or anything) in the OutputChain
      Apache::Gzip - Auto-compress web files with Gzip
      Apache::Compress - Auto-compress web files with Gzip
      Apache::Layer - Layer content tree over one or more others
      Apache::Sandwich - Layered document (sandwich) maker
      Apache::SimpleReplace - a simple template framework
      Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl

Logging Phase Handlers
      Apache::DBILogConfig - Logs access information in a DBI database
      Apache::DBILogger - Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI
      Apache::DumpHeaders - Watch HTTP transaction via headers
      Apache::Traffic - Tracks hits and bytes transferred on a per-user

Core Apache Modules
      Apache::Module - Interface to Apache C module structures
      Apache::ShowRequest - Show phases and module participation
      Apache::Connection - Inteface to Apache conn_rec struct
      Apache::Constants - Constants defined in httpd.h
      Apache::ExtUtils - Utils for Apache C/Perl glue
      Apache::File - advanced functions for manipulating files at the
server side
      Apache::Log - Interface to Apache logging
      Apache::LogFile - Interface to Apache's logging routines
      Apache::Scoreboard - Perl interface to Apache's scoreboard.h
      Apache::Server - Perl Interface to Apache server_rec struct
      Apache::Table - Perl Interface to Apache table struct
      Apache::URI - URI component parsing and unparsing
      Apache::Util - Perl Interface to Apache C util functions

Other Miscellaneous Modules
      Apache::RequestNotes - Allow Easy, Consistent Access to Cookie and
Form Data Across Each Request Phase
      Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class
      Apache::Icon - Lookup icon images
      Apache::Include - Utilities for mod_perl/mod_include integration
      Apache::Mmap - Perl Interface to the mmap(2) system call
      Apache::ParseLog - Object-oriented Perl extension for parsing Apache
log files
      Apache::RegistryLoader - Compile Apache::Registry scripts at server
      Apache::Request - Generic Apache Request Library
      Apache::SIG - Override apache signal handlers with Perl's
      Apache::TempFile - Allocate temporary filenames for the duration of
a request

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://logilune.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

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