Might be possible that soap is addressing messaging issues.

Nathan Torkington wrote:

> "Michael A. Nachbaur" wrote:
> >
> > Since today seems to be "The Day of the Off Topic(tm)", I thought I'd jump
> > in with my question.
> >
> > Is there a event messaging framework available for Perl, similar to JMS?
> > I'd like to be able to have an object registered as a handler for certain
> > "events", and have perl code throw those events causing the object to be run
> > automatically (publish / subscribe model).
> I think there's an Event.pm, but you're probably after something like POE:
> http://www.perl.com/pub/2001/01/poe.html   <- intro and tutorial
> http://poe.perl.org/                       <- homepage (down?)
> http://poe.dyndns.org/                     <- Rocco's dialin machine
> Nat

Perl/Linux/Java Development
Resume: http://resumes.yahoo.com/undertheash/perljavalinux

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