
Spamming a technical list seems less than prudent, doesn't it?
Jeez, I mean, just one anti-social teenager can make nasty packages
like the "I Love You" virus.... what could several thousand experienced
hackers with literally hundreds (minimally) of commercial-grade servers
at their whim do if they were sufficiently antagonized?

My, that's an ugly thought.
Good thing none of *us* are that grumpy, eh? =o)

Then again, we as a group have no history at all at cooperative effort.
Unless you want to count that open-source thing.....


--- "Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "BigSofte" == BigSofte Vendor Services
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BigSofte> Dear Software Manufacturer:
> I didn't know people still "manufacture" software.  I thought
> only marketing "manufactured" things.
> BigSofte> We can help you make it much easier to promote your
> software
> BigSofte> on the Internet.
> Yeah, that's already so terribly difficult.  I'm glad you're here to
> help me!  Otherwise, I'd be limited to putting up a website, or maybe
> starting a mailing list, or maybe having papers presented at
> conferences, or submitting entries to Freshmeat, or maybe writing
> books or columns, or possibly even word-of-mouth, or making sure my
> website is parseable by Google, because that's where all my friends
> use for searching.  Boy, I'm glad there's YET ANOTHER PROMOTION
> MECHANISM!  Lemme guess... it consists of spamming unrelated mailing
> lists!  Did I get it right?
> "List your software with new feature-based search engine"
> I think I'd rather list with a bug-based search engine, thank you.
> -- 
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503
> 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl

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