On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> Hi all...
>   In the spirit of things free and fun, I again have a sponsor for mod_perl
> T-Shirts for this year's ApacheCon BOF.  I think we can afford to make this
> year's BOF a bit more organized than last year's (probably no shirt
> tossings) but the shirts will likely be there just the same.
>   What I don't have are any ideas for a shirt theme.  The sponsor will be
> taking care of all the graphics work required - just your mental capital is
> needed.  
>   Since this is really OT, any discussion should probably be directed to the
> advocacy list or to me personally.  Then again, things are so slow here
> lately ;)

Well I figure since things are slow... How about having take23 somewhere
on the shirt?...

/me awaits response about being Mr Marketeer again...


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