On 19 Mar 2001, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> >> "mod_perl: 20 billion hits served"
> >> And turn the "m" into a stylized arch. :)
> Nick> er, maybe 20 trillion ... ? seeing as how ValueClick alone has done a bit
> Nick> over 42 billion since 6/98 ... :)
> yeah, I was hoping valueclick would jump out and give me a better number.

actually, then it should probably be more like 55 billion[1]. And in
the busy hours. we add more 3000 to that. Per second. :)

 - ask

[1] Nick only included numbers from one of the ValueClick divisions
    running the system with mod_perl. :-)

ask bjoern hansen, http://ask.netcetera.dk/   !try; do();

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