--- Nick Tonkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> . . .
> > I for one would appreciate a design that doesn't fetishize a
> > culture and people that have already had enough abuse at the hands
> > of 'American' people.
> Hear, hear.
> Personally I find the very name Apache a little uncomfortabl. I get
> the joke about it being a patchy server (although now the ratio of
> original NCSA code to `new' code is so miniscule as to invalidate the
> patch theme anyway, imho), but the relevance of an http server to the
> Apache nation escapes me (and the symbolizing of the Apache nation
> with a feather strikes me as stereotypical at best). 

   Let's be careful here, people.
   It was a linguistics joke, not an ethnic one.
   No 'relevance' was ever intended.
   Feathers *are* stereotypical of Native American culture, and 
   that was the point. No slur, no insult, no belittlement.
   Stereotypes bring certain archtypes to mind. End of point.
   Stereotypes are based on reality, even if only a real

   I have Native American heritage myself.
   I am more offended that someone would be offended on my behalf.

   Please, let's not start another "issue" here, like complaining
   about the name of the Atlanta "Braves", or the uproar about
   the Confederate flag flying over state capitals.

Now, just in case anyone wonders, I think this is all rather funny.
I just don't want it to evolve into pointless flamage. If it bothers
anyone, cast you vote and voice against, which is what folks are
doing...but please don't be offended. There's way too much of that
these days. ;o]

> > Can we please keep the design more focused on technology and
> geekiness?
> I concur wholeheartedly.

To be honest, I do too, to some degree. The initial suggestion of an
indian was a joke, which perhaps I presented poorly. Pleaase accept a
genuine apology if it was out of good taste.  But the use of a geneie
bottle should be just as offensive to those of Arabic descent, which in
my opinion should be not offensive at all.  Lamp and feather are both
archtypical icons.


So, these three *****'s walk into a bar....

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