Hi Gunther,

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> Is Perl 5.6 really the "stable" release?

According to the Perl developers it is.  Odd minor version numbers
now indicate development versions, so the next "stable" release should
be 5.8.x

Having said that I'm using 5.7.0 in development of a system with tens
of thousands of lines of Perl and I have had only one minor problem -
Image::Magick won't install.  I don't know why, it might well be my
fault but I don't care for the moment, so I'm well pleased with it.

Of course we're still running 5.005_03 in production.

> I've seem some discussion out of the corner of my eye here about
> people complaining about 5.6 and to get so-and-so latest version

I saw one or two messages like that too, which was one reason for
going to 5.7.0.  The main reasons were to get some experience of the
new version, and get a feel for what might happen we eventually uprade
in production.  If we don't upgrade reasonably often (I'm thinking
every year or two:) then when we finally do it could be painful.

> Also, is 5.6 really the release that works the most stably with mod_perl 
> 1.25? Or would a variant of 5.005 really be better

I have had no issues with 5.6.0 nor 5.7.0 attributable to mod_perl itself
of any version 1.21 - 1.24_01, I haven't used 1.25 for real yet.

The only problem I ever had with 5.6.0 was when it complained about
some dubious code in one of our outsourced libraries.  One-line fix.

> if I want the most stable mod_perl server I would use Perl 5.6 with 
> mod_perl 1.25.

I'd say the jury's still out on that.


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