On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Richard Anderson wrote:

> I want to read and parse a file when Apache mod_perl starts and have access to the 
>data while my mod_perl methods are processing the request.  The most obvious approach 
>(to me) is to put the reading/parsing code at the beginning of my mod_perl module, 
>outside of my methods, and load the data into a package array variable that my 
>methods can access during request processing.
> However, I want to put the pathname of the file (relative to ServerRoot) in the 
>httpd.conf file as a PerlSetVar.  I don't see any way to access the value of a 
>PerlSetVar until the request phase.  In other words, in the module code that runs at 
>startup time, I want to do this:
> my $file = $r->server_root_relative($r->dir_config('SharedSecretKeyFile'));
> except I don't have the Apache Request object ($r).
> Am I completely on the wrong track?  Is there some way to access a PerlSetVar 
>without the request object?

How about this: httpd.conf:

use My::Preload;

But you can do this as well:

  my $s         = Apache->server;
  my $file      = $s->dir_config('SharedSecretKeyFile');

The former seems simpler to me...

and it's pretty much all in the guide :)

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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