You probably solved the particular problem below by changing:

  PerlSetVar StateDir  /tmp/asp_demo

to a real directory on your system.  On win32 platforms
/temp/asp_demo should work pretty well too.

Now that you changed that setting what does your error log
give you?


"George A. Fitch III" wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed mod_perl and Apache::ASP on WinNT, and the sample .htm
> files work fine. I can't seem to get the sample .asp files to work, though.
> I checked the error log and saw these errors:
> [Mon Apr 02 15:52:04 2001] [error] [asp] [174] [error] can't create group
> dir /tmp/asp_demo: No such file or directory,
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 4585
> [Mon Apr 02 15:52:04 2001] [error] [asp] [174] [error] can't create group
> dir /tmp/asp_demo/server: No such file or directory,
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 4585
> [Mon Apr 02 15:52:04 2001] [error] [asp] [174] [error] Can't tie to file
> /tmp/asp_demo/server/internal, 258, No such file or directory !!  <--> Make
> sure you have the permissions on the  <--> directory set correctly, and that
> your  <--> version of Data::Dumper is up to date.  <--> Also, make sure you
> have set Global to  <--> to a good directory in the config file.,
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 4669
> [Mon Apr 02 15:52:04 2001] [error] Can't bless non-reference value at
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 4887.
>         Apache::ASP::State::TIEHASH('Apache::ASP::State',
> 'Apache::ASP=HASH(0x41962ac)', 'internal', 'server', 258) called at
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 664
>         Apache::ASP::new('Apache=SCALAR(0xb1a9f4)') called at
> G:/nusphere/perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 152
>         Apache::ASP::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0xb1a9f4)') called at nul line 0
>         eval {...} called at nul line 0
> So, it seems some directory is set to /tmp or /tmp/asp. Does
> anyone know where this property is set. I went through the .htaccess
> file and set al temp directories to G:/Temp, but it still doesn't work.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
> Gaf

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