So I finally decided to plunge into AuthCookie*, and settled on
AuthCookieDBI cuz it's pretty complete, and meets my environment, and I
don't have to subclass it to even try it.

DAMN what a *****!

Oh, mostly it's an EXCELLENT module.


For starters, as verbose as the docs are, they aren't as clear as one would
hope.  HOWEVER I finally got it to where everything LOOKS right, but I still
have no go.

As I delved into the problem, I found the following:

The module has a BEGIN {} block that reads the server config for parameters
of the form
PerlSetVar MyRealmSecretKeyFile "/etc/httpd/conf/secretkeyfile.txt"

into the module global hash %SECRET_KEYS

and the docs recommend it be
-rw------- root root

so that it's only readable on server startup.

HOWEVER, whenever the module is actually invoked, %SECRET_KEYS is empty!

Here's the BEGIN{} block:
        my @keyfile_vars = grep {
                $_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
        } keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
        foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
                my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
                my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
                $auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
                unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
                    Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_name in file
$keyfile" );
                } else {
                        $SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = <KEY>;
                        close KEY;

My temporary solution was to patch the handlers to understand a new

        # Get the secret key.
        my $secret_key = $SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name };
        unless ( defined $secret_key ) {
+           if (not defined ($SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } =
+                       _dir_config_var($r, 'DBI_SecretKeyFile'))) {
                $r->log_reason( "Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret key from for
auth realm $auth_name", $r->uri );
                return undef;
+           } else {
+               $secret_key = $SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name };

But this seems crufty.
What I'd prefer to do is fix the init section so that it works.  I can't
find anything in the mod_perl docs or the Guide that helps.




#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

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