"Rob Bloodgood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So I finally decided to plunge into AuthCookie*, and settled on
> AuthCookieDBI cuz it's pretty complete, and meets my environment, and I
> don't have to subclass it to even try it.
> DAMN what a *****!
> Oh, mostly it's an EXCELLENT module.
> Mostly.
> For starters, as verbose as the docs are, they aren't as clear as one would
> hope.  HOWEVER I finally got it to where everything LOOKS right, but I still
> have no go.
> As I delved into the problem, I found the following:
> The module has a BEGIN {} block that reads the server config for parameters
> of the form
> PerlSetVar MyRealmSecretKeyFile "/etc/httpd/conf/secretkeyfile.txt"
> into the module global hash %SECRET_KEYS
> and the docs recommend it be
> -rw------- root root
> so that it's only readable on server startup.
> HOWEVER, whenever the module is actually invoked, %SECRET_KEYS is empty!

I discovered the same thing. I think the problem is that the BEGIN
block as written, only considers parameters defined in the *main
server*. So if you have any PerlSetVar in a Virtual Server, it will
not be found.

A kludgy workaround is to move the PerlSetVar out of any Virtual
Server sections. A better option is to reimplement the mechanism for
populating the SECRET_KEYS hash, so that Virtual Servers are handled

Vegard Vesterheim               : Phone: +47 73593002
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