Hmm, We actually already have most of this implemented. Not persay
outgoing data though bucket brigade style though.

We just have an output module that handles all of this.  Print that object
rather then $r and it works really well.  Its actually more then just
s/before/after/g though,  we have that written as well, but being able to
go through and as the last thing before output is sent to the client
determine that we want a red background rather then white, or that certian
javascript should be put into the onload tag.

Rather fun.  The real idea for it actually came after listening to Ryan's
talk last year at OSS con and deciding we didn't want to wait that long
for it.


On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Sean Chittenden wrote:
>       PS For those of you who weren't here, the mod_perl
> 2.0/Apache/2.0 talks by Doug/Ryan (respectively) were really awesome!!!
> The demo from Doug was pretty damn swift...  imagine being able to do
> s/before/after/g on a piece of outgoing data...  sessions have never
> been more cool/easy.

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