On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Paul wrote:

> Hi all.
> I need to leave a few areas of our site freely accessible, but most of
> the site is restricted, and I'd like the default behavior to be
> restrictive. I don't want to have to remember to change the config if I
> add new directories, as in adding 
> <Location>
> SSLVerifyClient require
> </Location>
> Is there a way I could use <LocationMatch> to specify a not condition?
> as in 
> <LocationMatch !~ "/(thisfile|thatDir|whatever).*">
> SSLVerifyClient require
> </LocationMatch>
> That would let me list the exceptions, and everything else would be
> restricted by default......

It's really frustrating, but this is *not* possible... However here's a
hack I've used that kinda works:

<LocationMatch "([^[.thisfile.]]|[^[.thatDir.]]|[^[.whatever.]]).*">

It's ugly, but it works for some cases, but not all (in fact the above
might not work - I haven't tested it).

See regex.7 in src/regex in the apache distribution for more docs on what
you can do.


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