On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 11:25:47AM +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> > (I'm not sure this is even a code problem. Maybe perl is just bad at keeping
> > a single consistent working set and the copy-on write from the parent Apache
> > kicks in and keeps increasing unique per process memory consumption).
> There's lots of good stuff in the mod_perl guide on tracking down
> leaks. Both perl and mod_perl have both been extensively tested .
> It's worthwhile to have done this at least once so you know how to do
> it when you really need to do it. In addition, profiling your code is
> a Good Thing to do :-)

Since you say so, I'll try it. :)

Michael Bacarella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Staff / System Development,
New York Connect.Net, Ltd.

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