Sorry if this wasn't exactly clear, it's the _database_ password we
are trying to pass in manually.

We did try exactly the following, and it did not work.  This was a bit
suprising and I was wondering why this was the case...

- Mike H.

   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 09:44:48 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Andrew Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
   X-SpamBouncer: 1.3 (1/18/00)
   X-SBClass: OK


   MH>We are working with some financial folks who would like us to set
   MH>passwords when we bring apache up, rather than using a config file.
   MH>We tried various permutations of inputting variables in the ''
   MH>file and so on - although we could echo the variable, if we input it,
   MH>it was not available to the child processes.  If we set the variable
   MH>to a string it is always set, however.

   The logic of having webserver that needs human intervention to set up, in
   a production environment, is somewhat doubtful. What happens if your
   webserver goes down and needs to be brought up automatically?

   That aside, your question is a bit confusing. Do you mean that, if you do
   this is the startup script:

       $password = 'constant';

   That the children get the value of $password, but when you prompt for the
   password during startup, the children don't?

   If you put the password in a global, it should persist across the children
   as the Perl startup script is run before forking. Perhaps you should try
   fully qualifying the namespace:

       chomp($My_Company_Name::PASSWORD = <STDIN>);

   And then refering to $My_Company_Name::PASSWORD in your scripts.



   Andrew Ho            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
   Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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