A suggested new feature.

Apache->dso_module('mod_example.c') behaves like 
Apache->module('mod_example.c') except it returns 1 if the
module is loaded as DSO, 0 if it's compiled in and undef
if it's not present at all.

I wrote this because of a few problems I had with the 'slight'
differences in behaviour of mod_perl under DSO and compiled in.

In my case, I call an init function from a startup.pl, and because
of the way apache starts then restarts, it gets called twice if mod_perl
is compiled in and only once if it's a DSO.

So I end up with code like this:

sub init {
        return if($Apache::Server::Starting && not $Global::MOD_PERL_AS_DSO);
I guess it could be usefull for other purposes to, so here is the patch.
| Philippe M. Chiasson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        |
| SmartWorker http://www.smartworker.org        |
|     IM : gozerhbe  ICQ : gozer/18279998       |
|   64.8% computer corrupt according to         |
| http://www.freespeech.org/ljk/purity.html     |
C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it
harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.
        -- Bjarne Stroustrup

perl -e '$$=\${gozer};{$_=unpack(P26,pack(L,$$));/^Just Another Perl 
Index: src/modules/perl/Apache.xs
RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-1/src/modules/perl/Apache.xs,v
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -U10 -b -B -I'$Id' -I'$Revision' -r1.120 Apache.xs
--- src/modules/perl/Apache.xs  2001/04/17 21:57:20     1.120
+++ src/modules/perl/Apache.xs  2001/04/25 13:57:04
@@ -476,20 +476,40 @@
     if((*(SvEND(name) - 2) == '.') && (*(SvEND(name) - 1) == 'c'))
         RETVAL = find_linked_module(SvPVX(name)) ? 1 : 0;
         RETVAL = (sv && perl_module_is_loaded(SvPVX(name)));
+    SV *sv
+    SV *name
+    module *mod;
+    CODE:
+    mod = find_linked_module(SvPVX(name));
+    if(name && mod) {
+        RETVAL = (mod->dynamic_load_handle) ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    else {
+    }
+    OUTPUT:
 char *
 mod_perl_set_opmask(r, sv)
     Apache     r
     SV *sv
     int i;

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