On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 12:54:17PM -0700, Jim Winstead wrote:
> in general, your problem with some browsers that otherwise support
> cookies may be with issuing redirects and cookies on the same request,
> which has been known to trip up some browsers. the easy workaround is
> to use a <meta> refresh to do the redirection.

pooh. i'll look into that.

hmm. they all do the redirect properly, but when they arrive
at the redirected url, they don't seem to have (or at least
report) the cookies they've been given.

so i guess what you're saying is, some browsers look for
a "redirect:" header and then charge off to the new location
without handling any "set-cookie:" headers in the meantime?

> fmt: w70: No such file or directory


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