On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 05:47:03PM -0700, brian moseley wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
> > type of exception.  Right now I cannot in fact think of
> > any program I have written that branches on the type of
> > exception.  Java encourages this with multiple catch
> in CP Web Mail, the underlying libraries throw typed
> exceptions so that the application layer can display the
> correct error notification to the user. for instance, if the
> library throws CP::InvalidMailboxNameException, Web Mail can
> display 'the mailbox name you suggested contains an illegal
> character. it must correspond to the format thus-and-such.
> try again.', whereas if the library throws CP::Exception
> (the generic exception), Web Mail will handle it as a
> service problem and display that godawful WM9999 page.

On a related note, does anyone anywhere still use

Has anyone compared the performance and features of the various
exception packages?  I'd like to move to something that is a bit
better supported than Experimental::Exception, and don't feel like
converting thousands of lines of try {} catch {} to eval {}; if ....


Paul Lindner

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