| It occurs to me that there would be no overhead to speak of in using a
| sequence number, given that Apache::Registry already maintains a hash for
| its generated package names for mtime checks. Something like:

Why not use (stat($script))[0,1] device and inode numbers of the script
being compiled? It has the advantage of code-sharing symlinked scripts - but
probably can only be used on Unix like flavours.

I got tremendous improvements in my situation where I have quite some
domains basically running the same huge stuff with some minor layout
adjustments based on HTTP Host header.

As I use Apache::ASP a lot, I have some (fairly trivial) patches submitted
for this feature to Joshua, who will probably include them in the next
release. I think it would be nice for Apache::Registry to have this feature
as well.

Anyone interested in the Apache::ASP patches, just drop me line.


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