On Thu, 3 May 2001, Oskari 'Okko' Ojala wrote:

> On Thu, 3 May 2001, Stephen Anderson wrote:
> > > Got a problem: About 250 of 1000 requests cause a segfault
> > > (11) when using XML::Parser::parse() under mod_perl.
> > There's (apparently) a known symbol conflict between XML::Parser 2.30 and
> > Apache (which I only know because it happened to someone here just the other
> > day). Drop down to 2.29 and it should work fine.
> No success, I tried dropping the version down to 2.25, one by one.
> I also tried completely removing the expat from the apache source tree.
> The script still core dumps, but I found out that the same code as a
> mod_perl .cgi does not - it happens only when done under Mason.

Make sure you comletely remove the old apache installation before your
recompile. This has caught me once.


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