Hi Stas,

On Sat, 5 May 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Gosh, sometimes I feel like I've forked the mod_perl mailing list :(

Yeah, I know what you mean.  Allow me...

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 16:26:16 +0530
> From: Qazi Firdous Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Regarding modperl installation

> After having gone through your installation steps, i tried installing
> with the same during which i encountered a couple of issues to be resolved.

Building mod_perl takes place in several steps.

Simplified, the steps are:

1. Get the sources and unpack them.  (% tar xzvf ....)
2. Create your "Makefile".           (% perl Makefile.pl)
3. Compile.                          (% make)
4. Test.                             (% make test)
5. Install.                          (# make install) 
6. Configur.                         (# emacs,vi,edlin...)

You have completed the first two, and sent the results from the
second.  There is nothing seriously wrong with the output but you have
not properly installed the modules required to preform one of the
steps.  Fortunately this step ('make test') is optional.  You can
install mod_perl without doing it.  So all you have to do now is steps
four and five.  As you see, you usually do the install as user 'root'
but the others can be done as any user.

Unfortunately you have an old version of Perl (5.004) so you should
heed the advice of the build scripts and upgrade.  I would suggest
version 5.005_03.  You must compile Perl, Apache and mod_perl with 
the same compiler.

> Further i am using Apache Version 1.3.14, modperl version 1.25,

While you are rebuilding Perl, I'd suggest starting again with version
1.3.19 of Apache.

> libwww-perl5.53 which i downloaded from cpan and apache.org.  I
> tried to put the various missing modules in one of the
> directories(directories given by perl-v command), but still it is
> giving the errors.

Don't worry about it for now.  Try using the CPAN shell next time.

perl -MCPAN -eshell

> This is very critical for the project i am working on.

I hope you have some time for reading...

> Hope to get your expertised guidance for the same.



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