
Perhaps this is obvious, or said somewhere that I haven't looked; but
I'm having trouble figuring it out.

What I want is for a certain directory tree to be behind an
authorization handler; however, the content behind this directory tree
consists of handlers and aliases. And the authentication handler isn't
working with <location> directives.

<location /foo*>
  AuthName    "foo control"
  AuthType    Basic
  PerlAuthenHandler    Apache::OK
  PerlAuthzHanlder    WW_authz
  PerlSetVar    Mask    Geek
  require    usermask    geeky

I don't think it's even getting called.

Do I need to push the code as a PerlChildInitHandler?
Should I create the [empty] root directory in the htdocs tree as a place
holder for a <directory> directive?
Is there some syntax error in my <location> block?
Should it work OK [I cribbed most of it from the eagle book]?

Any comments, suggestions, pointers, or non sequitors appreciated.

\js [your ad here]

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