Hey all,

I have been giving this very subject area a lot of thought myself - I would like to 
really make a push for HTML/interface widgets in Perl. Have done some work to that end 
and have a lot of ideas.

In addition I was thinking about making an investment of time and resources into this 
idea to bring it to something useful and exciting for developers.

Was just starting to solicit opinions from developers myself.

Would be glad to chip in to a common effort here!


On Tue, 22 May 2001, Adi Fairbank wrote:

> Gunther,
> I have been interested in the concept of an HTML widget module for a while
> now.  The reason being, my application currently generates all HTML using
> CGI.pm in a mod_perl handler OO-style design, and we are starting to notice
> patterns.. similar pieces of HTML that get generated over and over. 
> Needless to say, componentized, reusable widgets would be very useful for
> us.
> Though I can't make the commitment of writing it myself (if I did, it would
> be about 6 months before you saw any code), I would definitely contribute to
> it, if it existed.  And like you said, the hard part is getting people to
> write the widget objects.
> -Adi

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