On Tue, 22 May 2001, Chris Thompson wrote:

> I'm at wits end, I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong.
> This is Apache 1.3.19, Redhat 6.2, modperl 1.25, apache::session 1.53
> and MySQL 3.23.36.
> (This is also happening inside HTML::Mason 1.03, but I dont think that has
> anything to do with it. I've crossposted to the mason list in case anyone
> there has seen this behavior, but what I'm doing isnt really out of the
> ordinary, so I dont think it's Mason related)

<yak yak>

> That's there because before I did the Dumper, I populated the %s with the
> data I had on the term. Each term is read from Apache::Request into
> @term. (Yes, the orders match)
> so I do...
>   my $c=0;
>   foreach my $term (@term) {
>    $s{regdomains}->[$c++]->{term} = $term;
>   }

<yak yak>

Check the Apache::Session docs.  Your changes below the toplevel will not
be noticed.  You must either change something at the top level (like a
timestamp or serial number), or you must frob the session object via

Docs are your friend and I spent a lot of time writing them.


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