[Citation date: Tue, 22 May 2001 15:59:52 -0400]

>>>>> Chris == Chris Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Chris> I've got a hash %s successfully re tied every request. I'm
    Chris> using it to store a session id and userid with success, so
    Chris> I know it's storing.

In the Behavior section of the Apache::Session man page, you'll find:

  Note that Apache::Session does only a shallow check to see if
  anything has changed.  If nothing changes in the top level tied
  hash, the data will not be updated in the back- ing store.  You
  are encouraged to timestamp the session hash so that it is sure
  to be updated.

Basically, you'll need to either:

  1. Use the 'timestamp' technique suggested above.

  2. Deference your variables a bit before updates.  Instead of:

       $s{$x}->[$y]->{$z} = 5;

     you'll need to use some intermediate variables:

       $q = $s{$x}->[$y];
       $q->{$z} = 5;
       $s{$x} = $q;



"A hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong."
        -- attributed to Larry Sheldon, Jr.

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