On Sat, 26 May 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> At 03:06 PM 5/25/01 -0400, Agoston, Rich wrote:
> >Will there be other conferences later in the year that will offer these
> >types of mod perl tutorials??  Thanks.
> >
> >
> > >>>>http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2001/pub/10/mod_perl_tutorials.ht
> >ml
> My belief (but Stas may be able to confirm or deny this) is that ApacheCon
> In Dublin will probably be his mod_perl tutorial next stop after OReilly
> conference. ApacheCon/Dublin is in October sometime.

Yup, there will be a whole bunch of mod_perl tutorials in Dublin, but the
deadline for proposals in June 2, and it'll take a while before the choice
will be made. I suppose that the list of tutorials for ApacheCon Europe
will be available somewhere in the end of June.

Other than that there is YAPC::Europe in Amsterdam on August 2. It sounds
like an interesting idea. I didn't think about it yet. Last year's
YAPC::Europe was a lot of fun. The problem is that it comes very close to
OSC2001... too many things to do, too little time :)

Anyway, you can take tutorials without going to any conferences. My
tutorials are available from http://stason.org/talks/, Nat has posted his
tutorial's URL a few months ago and it should be available in the
archives. I suppose you can ask other folks that deliver mod_perl
tutorials at OSC to give you the URL of their talks.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

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